Durban talks too little and too slow? Fortunately there are millions of "ordinary" people taking the bottom-up approach.
One Person Can needs 12 minutes of your time: 10 mins to take the OPC survey yourself to make your own safe-climate actions visible, and 2 mins to help OPC "go viral" (place a link, share on FB, or whatever works).
The already-converted (if you're reading this, that probably means you) are already doing plenty and don't need to see the One Person Can project in order to do what you do, but the almost-converted and slightly converted DO need to see the massive number of safe-climate actions already being taken - otherwise they'll probably continue to think that one person can't do anything about climate change, or continue to forget about climate change because they don't think anyone is doing anything.
Let's see how quickly the OPC counters and graphs grow!
Current count: 423 Australians are taking 10,076 safe-climate actions (as of 13/12/11)
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